Our IT solutions and resources for financial services contribute greatly to the company’s revenues. With 15+ years of experience and relationship with various financial customers (banking & insurance), we still intend to redefine the way our financial customers use technology. Keeping up with technology and the market is indispensable for survival. In addition, renewing existing systems to strengthen your core along with developing new platforms to foster innovation is the only way for banks to thrive in an increasingly dynamic world.

Today, ‘Digitization’ is the name of the modern game and ITDR Financial Services is at the forefront of this movement. The biggest trend defining the global financial services industry is digital disruption. Unless banks and other financial institutions embrace this fast paced digital transformation, they face the threat of becoming obsolete. We leverage all the cutting-edge technologies to help our customer adopt and use them. be it Cloud or CRM or AI or even legacy technologies like Mainframes we help banks fulfill their needs by providing right personnel who drive transformation of these financial institutions and enhance the overall experience.